xTool 40W Laser Module for D1 Pro
Product Description
This is one of the most powerful laser modules in the industry. It is only compatible with the Xtool D1 Pro Machine. The default color we provide is the Red color.
Product Specs
What is in the package?
Does the 40W Laser Module match with D1?
1. You can use the xTool D1 Pro 40W Laser Module on the xTool D1 frame just like you would with the xTool D1 Pro. In both cases, you will need to replace the plate, motherboard, and connecting cables (but note that the limit switch won't work).
2. Once you've installed the xTool D1 Pro 40W Laser Module on the xTool D1, you won't be able to use the xTool D1 series laser module (D1 1064nm module, D1 20W laser module, etc.) on the new plate and mainboard. If you need to use the xTool D1 series laser module again, you'll have to switch back to the xTool D1 plate and motherboard before using it.
That said, due to the inconvenience incurred during the switching process, we don't recommend using 40W laser module on xTool D1.
Can I switch to other Laser Modules after using the 40W one?
D1 Pro 5W laser module, D1 Pro 10W laser module, D1 Pro 20W laser module, 1064nm infrared laser module for D1 Pro.
Does the 40W Laser Module fit well with D1 Pro accessories like the Air Assist Set, the Honeycomb, the RA2 Pro, the Enclosure, and the Extension Kit?
Yes! Must-haves: The Honeycomb and the Air Assist Set. Processing on honeycomb avoids laser shooting your desk. Plus, the 40W laser outputs stronger power and heat, having much more dust lying in the laser head. Therefore the Air Assist Set is necessary since it dissipates the heat, blows away the dust, protects the lens, and makes your project clean without burn marks. Remember to clean your laser head and shield often.
90% of users also order RA2 Pro for cylindrical processing, like tumbler engraving, Christmas ball crafting, and ring engraving.
How large is the 40W laser spot?
Does the 40W Laser Module cut clear acrylic?
No, it only cuts opaque acrylic like the black, red, or orange one.
Please note: Locally Stocked. Available for Immediate Shipping.